Thursday, August 23, 2012

Pretty City in Southern Davao

This city, very near to the city where I reside, is Tagum City. It is an hour travel ride by land to Davao City where I live.

My first local trip early January this year was to this neighboring city for a job related event of covering the inauguration of the first Mindanao Cancer Center there. And to my surprise, Tagum has become an interesting city.

Nearing the place, I was surprised with what I saw - the four lanes road well paved and guarded by tall palm trees lined up perfectly in the highway.
Tagum City, our neighbor
At the downtown area I saw several low rise structures, new establishments, commercial buildings, malls and even coffee shops.
Tagum City, our neighbor ...
And having the chance  to interview several times before and now the city's chief executive, Mayor Rey Uy is bent on changing the landscape of the city into one that is progessive and developed, building landmarks that will attract visitors and tourists both domestic and foreign.

Of the latest is the ongoing construction of the City Hall and its Ampitheater. The group was toured to the construction site and were briefed on the project.
Tagum City, our neighbor ...
Tagum City, our neighbor ...
Tagum City, our neighbor ...
The designs are sort of futuristic, handled by an architect who hails from Tagum and now resides and works in Australia.

Leaving the site and when I looked back I saw this wide entrance that would lead to the City Hall. With several lamp posts around, I think this is a pretty place with more green space and at night when all the lights are on.
Tagum City, our neighbor ...

There are other buildings too, like this office and the newest hotel.

Just like in the city that I visited lately, government places are frequented by tourists because the structures are captive and inviting, a landmark which is a must visit place, just like the Capitol and the White House in Washington, DC where tourists come to have their photographs taken. Sharing my photos with the landmarks there.
Tagum City, our neighbor ...
Tagum City, our neighbor ...
I think Mayor Uy was inspired by what he observed in his travel to the US as well, where he saw the streets perhaps in downtown Hollywood, Los Angeles, California where tall palms trees lined up on both sides of the road as shown in the four photos below that I myself took during my visit there.
Tagum City, our neighbor ...
Tagum City, our neighbor ...
Tagum City, our neighbor ...Tagum City, our neighbor ...
The above photos are really amazing but Tagum City is one to be closely watched where all on going constructions will soon be up even as new ones keep coming. 

And yes the highway road in Tagum City (please see photo below) with the palms on both sides is comparable to LA's well maintained roads and trees. Pretty City !
Tagum City, our neighbor ...

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