Friday, August 24, 2012

Travelling by train is more than fun ....

Travelling by train is more than fun Travelling by train is more than fun

Travelling by train is an experience and a lot more fun ...

Twas my first train ride actually in a foreign land and it 

was a long ride of 18 hours from Orlando, Florida to Washington, DC ...

Since it was a long trip, we checked in our luggage and 

with me in the coach was my hand carry bag with 

some personal effects, cookies and bottled water.

I didn't know it was cold inside but other passengers 

who were regular train riders were prepared for the 

long trip coz they brought with them blankets 

and even pillows.

What I was excited about were the sites that 

this long wheeled train passes through. 

So I made sure my camera was with me all the time. 

I chose the window seat so everything was within my sight ...

Travelling by train is more than fun Travelling by train is more than fun Travelling by train is more than fun

After four hours of our travel that started late 

afternoon, it was already night and the cold became so 

intense that I had to move to the cafeteria for some

hot coffee until it was daybreak. After freshening 

up I went back to my coach and there again I started 

clicking my camera ...

Travelling by train is more than fun Travelling by train is more than fun Travelling by train is more than fun

I forgot all about the cold discomfort because nature's 

beauty amazed me.

Travelling by train is more than fun Travelling by train is more than fun Travelling by train is more than fun

How could one resist what this wonderful world that has

to offer with scenes I captured despite the fast moving 

vechile I was into ... like this monument 

"The Pencil" towering from afar

Travelling by train is more than fun

Nonetheless, all I can say is that never should man 

ever spoil the beautiful creation of God ...

Travelling by train is more than fun

I could only be thankful of the many blessings around 

me ! ... Thanks for this wonderful experience as I 

was able to share some photos I took during that 

one train ride ... with an interesting partner, hubby.

Travelling by train is more than fun

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