Sunday, September 9, 2012

I see magic in this kingdom ...

As fairy tale stories happened in palaces, in kingdoms ... the stories go beyond and travel to all corners of the world ... from places to places ... from one home to another ... the story fits all ages ... to both the young and the grown up, the rich and the poor.

While still a kid I read a lot of fairy tale stories and I still love them until today and when there are new 

movies about fairy tale stories, I find time to watch them.

I also love to watch the movies of Walt Disney Production ... very light ... very entertaining ... it has moral 


Cartoons also is my weakness so with our youngest that even at our age, my son already a professional, 

we watch cartoon movies together in the big screen.  It gives us a happy feeling watching these movies.

I thought we are only good up to reading them in books and watching them on TV.

Because my husband surprised us with a trip to DisneyWorld where we traveled for 18 hours by plane from the Philippines with another 48 hours land trip from our point of entry at Washington, DC.

The kids enjoyed every minute that we were there and they had a great time with the Disney characters.

Then we had a second trip and I was amazed with what I saw in the Magic Kingdom. So pretty perfect that kids from all over were so excited with the entertainment, the Disney characters, and the place itself.

Tourists buried themselves on numerous entertainment, classic attractions, spectacular parade and fireworks.

I learned that Magic Kingdom in Disneyworld opened October 1, 1971.

Wikipedia quoted Roy Oliver Disney with this  "Walt Disney World is a tribute to the philosophy and life of Walter Elias Disney... and to the talents, the dedication, and the loyalty of the entire Disney organization that made Walt Disney's dream come true. May Walt Disney World bring Joy and Inspiration and New Knowledge to all who come to this happy place ... a Magic Kingdom where the young at heart of all ages can laugh and play and learn — together. Roy Oliver Disney 

In a framed poster displayed in the main building there, it said that as a boy Walt Disney was a dreamer. As a boy he traveled the rails of Missouri Pacific Railroad selling newspapers and candy to passengers. His older brother Roy and his Uncle Mike Martin obtained employment with the Sta. Fe Railroad and Walt dreamed of becoming an engineer. His future took a different path but his love for railroad never diminished. In the late 40's, with Walt Disney Production a very successful venture, he focused on building his own railroad, the Carolwood Pacific, a 1/8 scale, live steam railway that traveled 2,600 feet of track around his backyard. The miniature served as the model of Disneyworld Rairoad and the inspiration of the Disney World Railroad.

Reading this I was in awe on the courage of Walt Disney, where from a humble beginning, he went on dreaming and fulfilling that dream.

At the Magic Kingdom a lot of beautiful structures unfolded and my eyes was caught by the Cinderella Palace so amazed seeing it personal because I watched the many structures including the Cinderella Palace of DisneyWorld only on TV.

Awesome, wonderful, amazing entertainment.

There are lots of enjoyment while there.  There are lots of spaces to explore.

For me, it is a place to also dream and be inspired.  For one to work on that dream, reaching out, focusing on it, praying hard that one day that dream come true. My trip to Disney was among the many dreams in my life and yes indeed it was "a dream come true".

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